Terms and Conditions Governing Registration of the candidates and the User Agreement.
By using and or accessing the services of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune and the website / app or any other media, the user (for definition of user,see point no 1.3 below) has agreed to be bound by all the terms and conditionsmentioned specifically hereunder:
1. Governing Act:1.1) This document of Terms and Conditions is an electronic record in the termsof Information Technology Act, 2010 and rules there under as applicable and theamended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes asamended by the Information Technology Act, 2010. This electronic record isgenerated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digitalsignatures.
1.2) This document is published in accordance with the provisions of theInformation Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 that requirepublishing the rules and regulations, privacy policy and Terms of Use for accessor usage of www.jainvadhuvarsansthapune.com website / app or any othermedia.
1.3) Definition:The user: Highly Educated Candidates of Jain Shwetambar Murtipujak Samaj orhis/her parents only and no other person.Sanstha: Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune.Page 1 of 13
2. Third Party:2.1) The user hereby acknowledges and accepts that www.jainvadhuvarsansthapune.com is only a website / app or any other media andwhich is providing the information uploaded by the users on it.
2.2) The user hereby acknowledges and accepts that Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune, and its website / app or any other media is only intermediary andacts as a platform to enable the user to register themselves on it (by filing themandatory fields and optional fields, if any) to voluntarily search for profiles fromdatabase of already registered users of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune,for seeking prospective lawful matrimonial alliances either for self or for daughterof user or for son of user, etc.
3. General Conditions:3.1) The user agrees and acknowledges that his / her intention is to seekprospective lawful matrimonial alliances for him / her.
3.2) The user must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditionscontained in this User Agreement and the Privacy Policy before the user registerfor the Melawa of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune.
3.3) By using and / or accessing the services of Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune and the website / app or any other media, the user has agreed tobe bound by all the terms and conditions.
3.4) The user must provide his/her full legal name, current address, a valid emailaddress, mobile phone number and all such other information needed in order tocomplete the signup process. For details please go through the instructions givenwhile filling up the form.
3.5) The user hereby acknowledges and accepts that Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune will use the email address and mobile phone number provided byhim / her as the primary means for communication.Page 2 of 13
3.6) The user is responsible for keeping the password secure. Jain Vadhu VarParichay Sanstha, Pune cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage forhis/ her failure to maintain the security of the account and password.
3.7) The user shall not transmit any worms or spams or viruses or any code of adestructive nature.
3.8) The user shall not use the services provided by Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune for any illegal or unauthorized purpose nor shall he / she, in theuse of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction.
3.9) Any person if disagrees, shall not register and participate in any of theactivities organized by the Jain Vadh Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune.
3.10) The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune reserves its rights to deactivate/block profiles without any notice.
3.11) The user shall not use this website / app or any other media to promoteother matrimonial services, website / app or any other medias, matrimonial apps,matrimonial companies, etc.
3.12) The user agrees and acknowledges that the website / app or any othermedia shall be used only for non-commercial purpose.
3.13) The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune caters only to community of Jain Shwetambar Murtipujak Samaj.
4. Security Policy4.1) The security of personal information of user is important to Jain Vadhu VarParichay Sanstha, Pune.
4.2) To secure the bank details of the user, Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune is providing the best possible third party payment gateway on the website /app or any other media. The user must go through the terms and conditions ofthe payment gateway, in case of any doubts.Page 3 of 13
4.3) Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune has reasonable processes andsystem in place to maintain confidentiality of all the personal information otherthan those meant for sharing with prospects furnished by user.
4.4) However, any feedback provided by the user to Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune shall be deemed to be non-confidential. The user acknowledgesand accepts that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune shall be free to usesuch feedback without any restriction. Further, by submitting feedback, the useralso acknowledges and accepts that it does not contain any confidentialinformation of yourself and or any third party/ies. Therefore, the useracknowledges and accepts that he / she is not entitled to claim anycompensation or damages or reimbursement, etc. of any kind from Jain VadhuVar Parichay Sanstha, Pune for the feedback.
4.5) The user acknowledges and accepts that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune has all the rights to process the information provided by the user throughthe automated process.
5. Content Policy5.1) Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune does not warrant that anyinformation, documents etc. uploaded by other users on the website / app or anyother media will meet your expectations. The primary work of Jain Vadhu VarParichay Sanstha, Pune is to work as a ‘data collection center’ between its usersand provide a platform to find prospective lawful alliances. The website / app orany other media provides only a platform and contains various profiles containingthe information provided and uploaded by the user themselves.
6. Payment of Fees and Mode of payment6.1) The payment made by UPI / NEFT / Net banking, etc. would be inaccordance with the prevailing RBI guidelines.Page 4 of 13
6.2) However, the said payment made to Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune is only to access the profiles which are uploaded by other users on thewebsite / app or any other media for the forthcoming Melawa only.
6.3) For the convenience of the user, the facility of third party payment gatewayis provided on the website / app or any other media so that the user can makethe online payment for the services of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune.
6.4) Activation of services of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune is subjectto the realisation of the payment.
Cancellation Policy:6.5) The Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune reserves the rights to accept orreject the forms. In such rejection, the registration amount will be refundable byaccount payee crossed cheque within 30 days from the rejection of the form.
Return Policy:6.6) The Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune does not sale any products. SoReturn policy is not applicable to the Sanstha.
Refund Policy:6.7) Due to unavoidable circumstances like constraints to use some apps or else,the Sanstha keeps the right to postpone or cancel the Melava. However, if theMelava is cancelled the information collected from the user shall be provided tothe other users, but in any case the amount of registration shall not be refunded.
7. Information uploaded by users7.1) In no case, the user shall hold Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Puneresponsible, for the information uploaded by other user.
7.2) The user shall provide true and correct information with complete honestyand fairness.Page 5 of 13
7.3) The user acknowledges and accepts that only after the user registershimself / herself on the website after making payment of the registration fees,Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune shall share the details of the user on thewebsite / app or any other media on as is where is basis.
7.4) The website / app or any other media is only to provide interface to theregistered members so that they can search for their life partners.
8. Responsibility of the user
8.1) The user shall keep their username and password safe and shall not sharethe same with any third person, other casts, religions or for any commercial use.
8.2) The users shall take due care and precaution while relying on theinformation provided by the other users of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune and before shortlisting the liked profiles. The user shall satisfy himselfthrough due diligence, adequate efforts before making a choice of match. TheJain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune takes utmost care of providing theinformation filled by the users in the form. Users are supposed to validate thedata & cross verify authenticity on their own. Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune has not investigated the correctness of the information of the candidates.
8.3) The user agrees and acknowledges that in no case, Jain Vadhu VarParichay Sanstha, Pune shall be held responsible for any misrepresentationmade by its other users.
8.5) The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune has not done any verification before uploading the information provided byits other users and the user is expected to verify the contents and credentials ofthe prospects like family background, annual income, degree, educationalbackground, character, occupation, health status, marital status, location, etc.Page 6 of 13
8.6) The user agrees and acknowledges that they shall provide their latestphotograph for better results. The user agrees and acknowledges thatphotographs / video of third parties shall not be uploaded by him / her in anycase.
8.7) The user agrees and acknowledges that the purpose of registration with JainVadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune is to find matrimonial prospect only andnothing else.
8.8) The user agrees and acknowledges that the profile of the user will bedeleted after completion of the period of one year.
9. Intellectual Property Rights9.1) Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune is the owner of the Intellectualproperty rights other than the content which is uploaded and posted by the userhimself. Therefore, Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune shall take necessarylegal action, in case of misuse or any other commercial purpose.
9.2) The user, hereby agrees, not to get engaged in any of the activities thatwould commit an infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights owned andpossessed by Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune.
10. Communication with members10.1) The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune shall use the e-mail address, phone number etc. provided by the user asmedium of communication with the user.
10.2) The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune may by way of e-mail, voice call, recorded call, SMS etc. provideinformation of additional / new services, other activities of Jain Vadhu VarParichay Sanstha, Pune etc. The user agrees and acknowledges that the mobilenumber provided by the user is not registered with do not disturb category.Page 7 of 13
10.3) The user agrees and acknowledges that immediately after registering withJain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune, he / she has given his /her consent tosuch e-mails, voice calls, recorded calls, SMS etc. stated hereinabove and incase of such communication by Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune, theuser shall not make any complaint to any authority. Such voice calls, recordedcalls, emails, SMS etc. shall not be treated as promotional calls etc.
11. About chat11.1) In no case the user shall hold Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Puneresponsible for the information provided, Language used by any prospect withthe user.
11.2) The user acknowledges and accepts that Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune has no control over the information provided, language used byany prospect with the user.
12. Divorced / Widows & Widowers & handicapped persons:Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune has added the herein mentionedcategories for the users looking for re-marriage. Highly Educated DivorceeCandidate can attend this Melava subject providing of the self attested copy ofCourt Order granting the divorce, if registered with the Sanstha. Similarly, HighlyEducated Widow / Widower and handicapped candidates can also attend thisMelava, if registered with the Sanstha.i. User agrees and acknowledges that, it is the responsibility of the user applyingunder this head to provide the certified copy of Decree of Divorce filed before theHon’ble court.ii. User agrees and acknowledges that, in no case Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune shall be held responsible for authenticity of the Decree of Divorce.iii. User agrees and acknowledges that, it the responsibility of the user to checkthe authenticity of the said certified Decree of Divorce.Page 8 of 13
13. Indemnify13.1) The user agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Jain Vadhu VarParichay Sanstha, Pune, its office bearers, assigns and employees, from andagainst any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, andexpenses (including but not limited to attorneys' fees) arising from:i. use of the user and access to the website / app or any other media and/or theServices; and orii. violation of any of the above mentioned term/s by the user; and oriii. violation of any third party right, including privacy right of the user;This clause will survive termination, modification or expiration of these Terms andconditions which means that the said violation shall not relieve the user of theobligations arising or accruing prior to such violation.
14. Ability to accept these terms and Conditions14.1) The user using the website / app or any other media should abide theeligibility criteria, that of being above 18 years of age, if the user is a female and21 years of age, if the user is a male.
14.2) The user shall be of sound mind.
14.3) The user shall be eligible to enter into a valid contract.
14.4) In case, the user is in violation of this term and condition, Jain Vadhu VarParichay Sanstha, Pune shall not be held responsible in any case.
14.5) The user shall be legally competent to marry as per the law applicable tothe user.
14.6) The user shall not use any images or information provided on the site forany recreational or pornographic purposes of this particular website / app to anyother mediums claiming it as their own and utilise its benefits or otherwise.
15. Jurisdiction and applicable lawPage 9 of 1315.1) The user registered with Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune andavailing any of the services of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune includingwebsite / app or any other media is deemed to have entered within the territorialjurisdiction of Pune, Maharashtra, India only.
15.2) The user acknowledge and accept unconditionally that in case of anydispute, differences, they shall be governed by the laws of Republic of India andshall have exclusive jurisdiction of appropriate court of law in Pune, Maharashtra,India only.
16. Content Rights16.1) The user agrees and accepts that the content appearing on the website /app or any other media, excluding content provided by users, belongs to JainVadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune.
16.2) The user agrees and acknowledges that the user is responsible for thecontent (optional and mandatory fields) provided by him/ her appearing on thewebsite / app or any other media in his profile including all the posts andcommunication with other users. The user agrees and acknowledges that he /she alone is the owner of all the content appearing on his profile on the website /app or any other media.16.3) Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune reserves its rights to initiateappropriate legal proceeding against the user for infringement of the proprietaryrights of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune. In case, proprietaryinformation of the Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune is copies, modified,transmitted, published, distributed, used etc. in any manner whatsoever nature,by the user, and or used the same for commercial purpose of any nature, in suchcase, Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune reserves its rights to takeappropriate legal action against such user.
17. Breach of Contract:Page 10 of 13The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Punesue moto and or if, Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune receives anycomplaint from other users that the user is using the profile for the purposesother than for finding prospective lawful matrimonial alliance like physical favour,financial help, any type of personal relationship other than marriage, or that theinformation provided on the profile of the user is not true, fake, false or that theinformation of user is misrepresenting, in such case Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune has all the rights to terminate your membership and deactivatethe account/ profile, without any notice to the user and in such case, theprovisions stated in clause no. 20 ‘termination’ shall apply to user.
18. Limited liability18.1) The user agrees and acknowledges that in case of exchange of profilesthrough Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune shall not in any case be held asadvice and or recommendation and or suggestion and or any kind of guaranteeto the user by Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune.
18.2) In no case, Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune, its officer bearers,staff, employees, authorised representatives etc. shall be held responsible forany direct, indirect, incidental and or consequential damage resulting from theuse of the website / app or any other media, services provided by Jain VadhuVar Parichay Sanstha, Pune.
18.3) The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune shall not be held responsible in case of wrong match or in case, the couplegets divorced after marriage etc.
18.4) The user agrees and acknowledges that the employees, office bearers,staff etc. of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune shall not be heldresponsible, if staff member/s approach other member/s with proposal ofmarriage and the other member/s does not respond back.Page 11 of 13
19. Verification19.1) The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune may provide ‘verification tick’ on the profile after comparing the documentsprovided by the user to Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune with theinformation provided by the user in his profile appearing.
19.2) The user agrees and acknowledges that the said verification is only limitedtowards the documents provided by the user. The user agrees andacknowledges that the said verification will not extend to the information of whichno document is provided by the user.
19.3) The user agrees and acknowledges that it is not the responsibility of JainVadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune to investigate and or check the validity ofsuch documents provided by the user. E.g. If a degree certificate or Decree ofDivorce is provided by user, it is not duty of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune to check the records of the said University or the Court for checking thevalidity of the said document.
19.4) The user agrees and acknowledges his / her responsibility to cross checkthe validity of the documents with the information provided by the other user,even if such user is having ‘verified tick’ in front of his profile. Documents shallnot be provided to any other person by Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune.
20. Termination20.1) The user agrees and acknowledges that Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha,Pune has every right to terminate his / her registration, in case of failure on thepart of user, to follow any of the terms and conditions, without any notice andwithout furnishing any reason and in case of termination, the user agrees andacknowledges that all the amount paid by him / her to Jain Vadhu Var ParichaySanstha, Pune shall be forfeited.Page 12 of 13
20.2) The user agrees and acknowledges that in case of termination, the right touse the services of Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune including website /app or any other media shall be ceased immediately.
20.3) This clause will survive termination, modification or expiration of theseTerms and conditions which means that the said termination shall not relieve theuser of the obligations arising or accruing prior to such termination.
21. Right to modify terms and conditionsJain Vadhu Var Parichay Sanstha, Pune reserves the right to modify the termsand conditions, at any time without any notice, so please review it frequently. Ifwe make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here only.Page 13 of 13