(This melawa is a merged version of general melawa and highly educated melawa conducted separately over the past years, it will now be a single Combined Grand Melawa)

For Jain Shwetambar Murtipujak Gujarathi Samaj only

प्रायोजक -
शेठ बेचरदास मानचंद जैन श्वेतांबर विशाश्रीमाळी पंचवाडी ट्रस्ट, पुणे

JVVPS PUNE is the only REGISTERED ORGANIZATION of Jain Shwetambar Muratipujak Gujrathi Samaj in the field of matrimony & marriages from last 38thyears.

38th Jain Vadhu Var Parichay Melava is scheduled to be held on Sunday 9th February 2025

Fully A.C. Venue

S.No. 63/2, Kakde vasti, Kakde Nagar Road, behind PGKM School, Kondhwa BK, Pune – 411048 Maharashtra.

Dear Friends and family,

We take this opportunity to highlight a major change in our system of working.

Considering the improvised educational status in our community, it has been observed in last few years that we at large are on progressive track and hence more than 80% candidates are educated. One more important aspect is that there are very diverse and advanced educational fields now a days which cannot be segregated.

Considering above, the sanstha has decided to merge both type of Melavas on 9th Feb 2025 and June 2025 and conduct combined GRAND MELAVA for all the candidates.

Effective from this 38Th Melava we now move ahead with merged GRAND MELAVA for all.

Candidates are requested to upload the completed filled forms by 25/01/2025.

Instructions about MELAVA:

    Parichay Pustika will be published on Sunday 9th February 2025 at the venue of melava. (Candidates need to fill & submit the form even if their names are printed in the last published Parichay Pustika.)
  2. Candidates have to follow the rules and attend the introduction session as decided by JVVPS.
  3. Registration charges for attending the Melava on Sunday 9th February 2025 is ₹ 3000/- & should be paid online while submitting the form. Payment can be made by selecting UPI/CREDIT CARD/DEBIT CARD/Internet Banking using the payment gateway provided on the online registration form.
    Registration charges includes entry of Candidate + 2 Parents. Breakfast, Lunch & Evening Snacks will be provided. 1 Parichay Pustika is included free of cost with every registration.
  5. Candidate and parents should report by 7.30 AM at Registration desk on day of the Melava.
  6. Parents will not be allowed to enter Melava in the absence of the candidate.
  7. Last date for registration & form uploading for the Melava is 25/01/2025.
  8. Due to restriction on numbers, the registration might be closed early. Last minute or on the spot RESGISTRATION REQUEST WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED.
  9. Mobile number used to register the form should be listed in the form as contact number and mobile app will also be available to be used on the same mobile number.This number cannot be changed later. This app will work only for android phone. All are required and carry android phone.
  10. The candidates using the free listing benefit will have to purchase the Parichay Pustika separately.
  11. In case of postponement or cancellation of Melava due to pandemic or any force majeure, the policy will be decided by the SANSTHA as per the situation and will be binding on all the candidates.
  12. All rights for organizing & conducting the Melava are reserved with Jain Vadhu-Var Prichaya Sanstha Pune.

Instructions for uploading the online registration form:

  1. Form should be completely filled and checked before submitting. Incomplete forms will be rejected. No changes will be done once the form is submitted.
  2. Female candidates aged 18 years or above & Male aged 21 years or above will be allowed for registration of Parichay Pustika and Melava.
  3. Important instruction for the photograph – Photo must be clicked from the front side with a white background and uploaded with the registration form. The photo must be similar to the example provided in the form a passport /ID size.
  4. Please be clear and brief in mentioning the expectation from the life partner.
  5. Information about Name, Parents, City & Contact number is compulsory in order to save the form as draft to be completed later.
  6. Last date of registration is 25/01/2025. Please ensure that your form has been submitted/uploaded and approved before the last date.
  7. For divorced candidates please attach the self-attested court order of divorce. Mention it in form at the appropriate field provided for this specific purpose. Please ensure that you get confirmation SMS/text message after submission of the form.
  8. We JVVPS compile & print the data based on the submitted forms that are filled by the candidates or parents. We take utmost care that the data gets print correctly.
  9. But in case of printing mistakes JVVPS will not be held responsible. The information that we print is based on the information provided in the form. We cannot be held responsible for false information provided by the candidate/form filler. Kindly verify the information from your sources before proceeding. For any legal proceedings, jurisdiction will be Pune court.
  10. JVVPS reserves the right to accept or reject any forms and/or registration.

Combined Grand Melawa Registration

Please enter your mobile number for OTP verification.
Separate mobile number is required for each candidate

This entered mobile number will be used to access Melava Mobile app.
This Number will be printed in the book this number cannot be change later

By clicking on Send OTP you agree to our terms and conditions